Where we are

Terrace  guests are granted free use of the hotel garage from 11.00 am to 5.00 pm.

To reach the hotel it is advisable to select Largo Matteotti on your satellite navigator. Arriving from the motorways or from Via Emilia, take Via Risorgimento, and then Via Cavour. At the traffic light go straight on, even if you see the ZTL signs, and after 100 metres turn right into Largo Matteotti and here you will find the Grande Albergo Roma. For those travelling along via Roma, once you reach the traffic light turn left, even if you see the ZTL signs, and after 100 metres turn right into Largo Matteotti and here you will find the Grande Albergo Roma.


Via Cittadella, 14
29121 Piacenza (PC)

+39 0523 323201
